Saturday, April 30, 2011

Quote of the day - April 29, 2011

Little Miss Charlotte celebrated her 6th birthday today.

First thing this morning she was playing with her baby sister Alice. She was making her laugh and giggle. And then she said the sweetest thing.

"Look Mom. My first birthday present...smiles from Alice."

Miss Charlotte is growing up.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Quote of the day - April 6, 2011

Charlotte's baby sister Alice is 4 months old. She has begun interacting with everyone and making all sorts of sounds. The following is Charlotte's thoughts on the matter of Alice learning to talk.

"Mom, did you know babies speak Russian? Yah, they do. Really. You speak Russian, right?"

Quote of the day - April 5, 2011

Spring has finally sprung in our neck of the woods. The snow is melting and the grass is starting to peek through, prompting thoughts of summer gardening from Charlotte.

"I have and idea. We should get some raisins, plant them in the grass, and then we'll have grapes in the summer!"

I follow her reasoning. Would this work? Perhaps we will try planting some raisins this spring.