Sunday, June 3, 2012

Quote of the day - June 3, 2012

Charlotte is now 7 years old and has a pretty good grasp of the English language, hence there have been very few posts of late. However, the other day she came up with this little gem. Charlotte recently purchased a "One Direction" fan book with some of her birthday money. She is boy band crazy! On the drive home from the bookstore she was oohing and aahing at all the pictures when she excitedly squealed "Mom! I see Harry's arm thighs!" I had to ask what she was talking about. "You know Mom. The big muscles on the top of your arms." Oh, arm thighs = biceps. Got it.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Quote of the day: September 30, 2011

We have recently started to give Charlotte an allowance. She receives $6 every 2 weeks. She divides her allowance between spend, savings, and charity jars. Our goal is to teach her the value of money and the importance of saving for the future.

This past allowance day she told me "You can keep your money. I don't want it. I'm going to get my money from the Tooth Fairy".

Apparently we have failed to teach her the value of money and of taking care of her teeth!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Quote of the day - April 29, 2011

Little Miss Charlotte celebrated her 6th birthday today.

First thing this morning she was playing with her baby sister Alice. She was making her laugh and giggle. And then she said the sweetest thing.

"Look Mom. My first birthday present...smiles from Alice."

Miss Charlotte is growing up.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Quote of the day - April 6, 2011

Charlotte's baby sister Alice is 4 months old. She has begun interacting with everyone and making all sorts of sounds. The following is Charlotte's thoughts on the matter of Alice learning to talk.

"Mom, did you know babies speak Russian? Yah, they do. Really. You speak Russian, right?"

Quote of the day - April 5, 2011

Spring has finally sprung in our neck of the woods. The snow is melting and the grass is starting to peek through, prompting thoughts of summer gardening from Charlotte.

"I have and idea. We should get some raisins, plant them in the grass, and then we'll have grapes in the summer!"

I follow her reasoning. Would this work? Perhaps we will try planting some raisins this spring.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Quote of the day #2 - March 31, 2011

"Mommy, are you having another baby?" Charlotte asks while patting my tummy. "You're stomach is getting bigger!"

That was a not so subtle reminder that it is time to get back on the wagon. No more PC decadent chocolate chip cookies for me!

Quote of the day - March 31, 2011

Charlotte kept herself busy colouring on our drive home from the doctor's office today. She tapped me on the shoulder and said she had a message for me. She passed forward a piece of paper that read "this world is fun" written in large, green block letters. A second note written in rainbow colours was passed forward a fewminutes later and read "i love you everyone in my family."

And we love her too.